
At Param Gyan Niketans, we focus on co-scholastic activities for the all-round development of students. Our emerging student profile (ESP) put equal emphasis on knowledge, life skills and values. JHPS goes beyond academics to ensure that we provide students sufficient opportunities for achieving the ESP. Although Param Gyan Niketan Gaya doesn't conform to most people's mental image of what a school is meant to look like, we are committed to providing an academic education that gives our students the ability to be competitive and successful in the wider world. Conclusion : Eventually we want that education by which character is formed strength at mind is increased the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on his own feet.

Our Co-Curricular Activity
@. Drawing.
@. Colouring.
@. Cut work.
@. Clay Modeling.
@. Guided and free play.
@. Dance.
@. Play Methode.

Contact Form

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We welcome your inquiries. Please feel free to contact us at the following address, phone or by Email.

Main Branch

Param Gyan Niketan,
Chand choura,
Gaya Bihar

Other Branch

Param Gyan Niketan,
Near Zila School,
Gaya Bihar

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  • Notice
  • Promotion List

    Though the results are prepared consciously,any mistake in this regard is highly regrettable. All the students are promoted to their respective higher classes. Due to unavoidable reasons,the results of III (A) & IV (B) could not be uploaded, but the students are promoted.

  • Jpgn promotion list

    According to guidelines of CBSE and State Government all students are promoted but for your faith and values the institution has issued promotion list.

  • Login Area
  • Our Classes
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Art & Craft

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